Plastic Money Terminology

Plastic Money Terminology: An English-German Glossary

Fifty-seventh part /siebenundfünfzigste Folge

time-out - a condition where the authorization request is terminated because the primary site has not responded to it within the allowed time see also: time-out value

Zeit nach der ein Abbruch der Kommunikation erfolgt

time-out valuethe maximum time permitted between an authorization request and a response see also: time-out

maximale Antwortzeit

tip functiona feature allowing the payment of tips with a card


token - a pre-paid item to be used at vending machines


toll way operatoran institution that levies toll payments


toll ways application - an off-line POS

solution catering to the special needs of this type of merchant with generally low maximum transaction amounts see also: quick payment service (QPS), QPS (quick payment service), rapid payment service (RPS), RPS (rapid payment service)

offline POS-Lösung zur Mauteinhebung

traceability - the ability to trace transactions of cards/terminals


track - one of three tracks on a magnetic stripe see also: magnetic stripe, track 1, track 2, track 3, track data


track 1 - the first track on the magnetic stripe of a card; it is read-only and recorded at 8.3 bpmm; contents are defined in ISO 7813 see also: magnetic stripe, track 1, track 2, track 3, track data

erste Spur des Magnetstreifens

track 2 -the second track on the magnetic stripe of a card; it is read-only and recorded at 3 bpmm; contents are defined in ISO 7813 see also: magnetic stripe, track, track 1, track 3, track data

zweite Spur des Magnetstreifens

track 3 -the third track on the magnetic stripe of a card; it is a read-write track and recorded at 8.3 bpmm; contents are defined in ISO 7813 see also: magnetic stripe, track, track 1, track 2, track data

dritte Spur des Magnetstreifens

track data - the information which is encoded on the tracks of the card's magnetic stripe see also: magnetic stripe, track, track 1, track 2, track 3


transaction - a business matter which leads to a transfer of funds from one party to another see also: ATM cash advance transaction, ATM cash disbursement transaction, card transaction, cash advance transaction, credit transaction, load(ing) transaction, merchant transaction, payment transaction, purchase transaction, refund transaction, retail transaction, sales transaction, unload(ing) transaction


transaction abortion - the termination

of a transaction before its completion


transaction aggregation - the accumulation of electronic purse transactions for clearing in a set of total amounts per issuer; the details of these transactions are held and stored in the acquirer's domain and not transmitted to the issuer cf.: transaction truncation

Akkumulation von Transaktionen einer elektronischen Geldbörse im Bereich des Acquirers

To be continued/Fortsetzung folgt.

Dr. Ewald Judt , Honorarprofessor , Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
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