Plastic Money Terminology

Plastic Money Terminology: An English-German Glossary

sixtieth part/ sechzigste Folge

two-party card - a plastic card issued by a merchant which can be used only in the issuer's environment cf.: in-store card, private label card, proprietary cad


type of payment - the manner in which a payment is effected


unaccounted (electronic) purse - an electronic purse where loading, payment and unloading transactions are not centrally stored and therefore no shadow accounts exist on a host opp.: accounted (electronic) purse

elektronische Geldbörse ohne in einem Host geführte Schattenkonten

unattended POS terminal - a POS terminal that does not require any assistance by a cashier (e.g. at parking garages, toll ways, vending machines) cf.: cardholder activated POS terminal, cardholder activated terminal (CAT), CAT (cardholder activated terminal)

Selbstbedienungsterminal mit Kartenzahlungsfunktion, unbedientes POS-Terminal

unauthorized transaction - a transaction that was not approved by the issuer opp.: authorized transaction nicht autorisierte/genehmigte Transaktion

unbanked population - the number of persons or the percentage of a population not holding a bank account opp.: banked population Bevölkerungsteil ohne Bankverbindung

unblock a card, to - to release a blocked card for use again opp.: block a card, to eine Kartenblockierung aufheben

uncollectible amount - an amount that cannot be collected uneinbringlicher Betrag

under floor limit fraud - a fraud that was perpetrated because the transaction amount was less than the floor limit and therefore an authorization request was not made cf.: below floor limit fraud opp.: above floor limit fraud

Betrugsfall unter der Genehmigungsgrenze

under floor limit transaction - a transaction that does not require the mer chant to call his authorization centre for authorization because the transaction amount is under the merchant floor limit cf.: below floor limit transaction opp.: above floor limit transaction Transaktion unter der Genehmigungsgrenze

underlying account - an account where the issuer of an electronic purse scheme holds the float cf.: float account, funds pool account, pool account, purse pool account Float-Konto, Pool-Konto eines elektronischen Geldbörsensystems

unique card identification system - a numbering system that provides every card with a unique number in the card business Karten-Nummerierungssystem

unique merchant identification system - a numbering system that provides every merchant with a unique number in the card business Vertragsunternehmens- Nummerierungssystem

unique transaction - a transaction that cannot be identified as a retail sale or cash advance and for which there are specified SIC codes Transaktion, die aus dem üblichen Rahmen fällt

universal card - a card which is issued by (a member of) a card organization for all purposes cf.: three-party card in-store card, private label card, proprietary card, two-party card see also: universal credit card universell einsetzbare Karte

universal credit card - a credit card which is issued by (a member of) a card organization for all purposes To cf.: three-party card opp.: in-store card, private label card, proprietary card, two-party card see also: universal card universell einsetzbare Kreditkarte

unlinked load - a load(ing) transaction whereby electronic value is transferred from the account of a bank, which operates load(ing) terminals and initiates load(ing) transactions, to an electronic purse/issuer's float account opp.: linked load Ladung einer elektronischen Geldbörse zulasten eines bankeigenen Kontos auf das Pool-Konto

unload an electronic purse, to - the transfer of value from an electronic purse/issuer's float account to the cardholders' account opp.: fund an electronic purse, to; load an electronic purse, to entladen einer elektronischen Geldbörse

unload(ing) transaction - a transaction where the value is transferred from an electronic purse/issuer's float account to the cardholders' account opp.: load(ing) transaction see also: merchant transaction, payment transaction, purchase transaction, retail transaction, sales transaction Entladetransaktion

unpaid balance - the balance of a statement that has remained unpaid unbezahlte Rechnung

unpaid cheque - a cheque that has remained unpaid unbezahlt gebliebener Scheck

unsolicited offer - an offer that was not requested by a person opp.: solicited offer unverlangtes Angebot

To be continued/Fortsetzung folgt.

Dr. Ewald Judt , Honorarprofessor , Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
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